These days almost all governing entities have web sites. Finding the web site for your city, town, township, etc. is the first step to finding your local representative. In the search engine enter the name of your city, town, etc. You might also need to put the kind of area it is, "city," "town," "township," etc.
Once you find the web site you are looking for the next step is to locate the listing for the local government representatives. Unfortunately this is not always easy. It may take some searching around to find what you need.
With a larger city, look for "City Hall." Other things to look for are "Town Council" or "list of councillors." Usually, especially in larger communities the councillors will represent a specific geographical area, often called a ward. If that's the case look for a ward map. There may also be a search engine where you can enter your street address.
A few minutes of searching about the web site should locate your representative. You may also find other useful information while you are on such a web site. You may find a job opportunity or a service you didn't know was available. I think it is worth your while to spend some time exploring your local government's web site.